Lake Aerator

What Are Lake Aerators

Lake aerators are systems designed to increase oxygen levels and improve water circulation in lakes. These devices introduce air into the water, preventing stratification and distribute oxygen more evenly throughout the lake. Aerators help maintain a healthy aquatic ecosystem by reducing algae growth, supporting fish and plant life, and preventing stagnant areas where oxygen levels drop. They are essential for preserving water quality and promoting a balanced, thriving lake environment.

The Cost of Not Using a Lake Aerator

  • Stratification, with low oxygen levels in deeper areas, affecting fish and plant life.

  • Reduced water quality as stagnant zones form.

  • Larger algae blooms in nutrient-rich areas.

  • Potential fish deaths due to oxygen depletion at depth. 

The Benefits of Lake Aerators

  • Breaks down thermal stratification, ensuring even oxygen distribution for fish and beneficial bacteria

  • Supports fish populations, especially in deeper areas that may otherwise suffer from low oxygen.

  • Improves water quality by circulating nutrients and oxygen.

  • Reduces the likelihood of large-scale algae blooms and helps keep the ecosystem balanced.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many diffusers do I need?

We recommend an optimum 100 litres of flow per minute per diffuser, this will ensure that the diffuser has a good constant stream and that there is no risk of back pressure on the line.

How long should it take for me to start seeing the results?

Aeration is not an exact science so results can vary, the more oxygen that is being supplied to a body of water the quicker the results i.e. if the maintenance level of flow is say 100 litres per minute, putting 200 litres per minute into the water would then of course speed up the results.

Am I able to build my own aeration kit?

This is something that we are currently working on developing for the website, but in terms of a custom/tailor built package, this is something that can be discussed and done over the phone.

What maintenance does a pond aerator require?

Regular maintenance includes checking the equipment for any blockages or damage, cleaning the diffusers, and ensuring that the air pump is functioning properly. It’s also important to inspect the system seasonally to address any wear and tear​.